Edit a Team Member

Aunsight allows administrators to create invitations which users confirm through an email validation process. Managing members doesn't end at account creation, however. Aunsight provides features that enable continuous monitoring of user activity and enables easy changes to member accounts to allow administrators to maintain data security on the platform.

This tutorial will teach how to view details about existing members, make change to a member's roles, or delete an account if necessary. After this tutorial, you may wish to learn more about how to add or edit roles or how project context affects user permissions in order to implement a robust data access and security model.

Viewing Members and Roles

To view existing members and their roles, select a context you wish to work on and click the "Team" icon (team icon) on the palette on the left. This will open team management where you will see several tabs. The "Team" tab is where you can view a table of existing members in the present context.

Team management tab

The members table will display each member's name, roles, and email address. Using this information, you can quickly inspect what roles are assigned to that user.

closeup of member info

Clicking on the name of a role will open details about that role for viewing or editing. Clicking on the member's name will open that member's details as described below.

If the member you are looking for is missing from the table, you may wish to check if that user has confirmed their account by clicking the email invitation link. Click the "Invitations" tab to view and manage invitations.


Changes cannot be made to a member account until that user has validated their email address through the activation link.

Viewing Member Details

To view more detailed information about a member, click the member's name in the first column of the table. This will bring up details about that member.

member details screencap

In a member details view, there are four tabs:

Edit or Delete a Member

You can edit a member's roles from within the member details view. On the "Members" tab of team management, click on a members name to view their details. On the "Roles" tab, checking or unchecking a role will reveal the "Submit" button. Click "Submit" to commit the changes.

changing member privileges screencap

You may also delete a member through the member details view. Clicking the "Remove Team Member" button in the upper right of the view will prompt you to confirm account deletion. Clicking "Delete" will remove that user permanently.

confirm account deletion screencap


Member account deletion is irreversible!


Deleting a member account does not remove the data created by that member.

You can also edit member roles or delete a member directly from the team member table by clicking the ellipsis icon (elipsis icon) under the "More Actions" field. This will launch a pop-up menu with "Edit Roles" and "Remove Team Member" options.

edit roles dropdown

Need More Roles?

Do you need to add a role to a member that does not currently exist in the given context you are working in? Or perhaps you need to change something about a role that has already been assigned to users. Or you may simply want to learn more about a particular role and the permissions that it contains. If so, read here about how to view, add or edit roles.