January 2022 Release Notes

Aunalytics is excited to announce the first release of 2022 to our clients. This release will provide clients with model and site enhancement information along with any fixes to existing functionality we have included.


Income Series Smart Feature Improvements

This month, we've developed an improved model for generating the Income Series Smart Feature™ for our Daybreak™ for Financial Services data model. This Income Series Smart Feature was designed to analyze a customer's deposit transactions over a period of time in order to identify which deposits most likely represent a recurring source of revenue such as wages or business income.

For our clients, the new model delivers enhanced accuracy at identifying sources of recurring income. First, the algorithm that groups individual transactions into an income series has been improved to better identify members of a series when the description field of transactions in that series may be more irregular. This improvement in the classification of transactions will enable the model to capture recurring deposits that may have less consistency in their descriptions. Second, the criterion for determining acceptable variance in the amounts and regularity of a series have been adjusted to better the recognition of atypical income sources such as gig work, seasonal employment, or drops in revenue due to downturns in business or temporary shutdowns.

For our internal business, this improved model delivers faster performance and decreased costs to build this feature for client datamarts. In one benchmark, the time to build decreased from over nineteen minutes to about a minute and a half, an over 1,300% decrease in build time! This impressive efficiency gain was achieved by moving most of the computational workload into Apache Drill via SQL operations rather than downloading the raw dataset and computing it via the model's own code. Performing the calculations this way also decreased the memory requirements for the model by almost 75% (36GB to 8.5GB).

Together, these improvements yield enhanced value to our clients all while improving our own profitability and efficiency to delivering greater value at a lower cost to our business.

Aunsight™ Golden Record

Small Improvements

This month, the Aunsight™ Golden Record platform team has released a number of feature enhancements and fixes including:

  • Transactional Workflows (TXWF) API Improvements:
    • The job control API now has the ability to trigger other downstream workflows when a job has completed successfully.
    • Jobs can now be configured to Performing periodic purging of the workflow tables.
  • User Experience:
    • AuGR will now prevent automatic logout due to inactivity when a user is running a test query.
    • Users can now preview data from a Golden Record input or TXWF table in a full-screen interface, and they can also specify the number of rows they would like to view in the preview window.
  • AuGR Agent
    • AuGR now supports targeting an individual agent for deployment of an over-the-air hotfix in order to better support clients using the on-premises agent.

Release Contents

Issue ID Description
AUN-14862 Move workflow mail service from Google to Microsoft
AUN-15185 Okta: Clean up legacy backend authentication functionality
AUN-15453 Update Webpack to v5 in Aunsight Webapp
AUN-15452 Simplify webpack alias setup in Aunsight Webapp
AUN-14650 Notify about a broken dataflow graph in a more robust way
AUN-15021 Move Walleye Tasks to K8s & Alluxio Internal Storage
AUN-15331 Migrate Walleye model references to NFS resources
AUN-15582 Optimize logger transport to Graylog
AUN-15317 Augment CommunicationTimeoutErrors - Child Request ID, Name, and Relevant Timestamps
AUN-15644 Q1 Update supported browser/requirements
AUN-14872 Show AuQL errors on save
AUN-15270 Update Dataset to read lock info from changed fields
AUN-15350 Query jobs should have links to datasets
AUN-15545 Improve error handling for job killing
AUN-15641 Add typescript defs to aunsight-lib-ui
AUN-15662 Fix Blocking Code Smell in Daybreak Service
DATAINT-821 Ability to define define nubmer of rows (range of 1 to 1,000) presented using View Sample for Transactional Workflow's table.
DATAINT-822 UI Update: View sample preview with sortable properties/columns
DATAINT-921 UI Update: View sample preview and sortable/searchable properties/columns v2 preventing long data string overlap
DATAINT-895 Update NCR plugin to read in parellel
DATAINT-681 Prevent AuGR system logout due to inactivity while test query is running
DATAINT-787 Ability to Hotfix Specific Agents
DATAINT-666 API Upgrade - Ability to purge transactional workflow tables on cadence in AuGR
PZ-1367 Transactiondetail - Add field Transaction_PostSequence to Transactiondetail config
PZ-1153 Account - Add Daily Balance Fields Account_AverageBalanceMTD and Account_AverageBalance YTD
PZ-1154 Account - Add Interaction Feature Account_Acquisitiontype
PZ-1360 Account - Map fields Account_OriginalBranchRegionID, Account_InteractionID
PZ-1361 Lending - Add field Lend_BranchName to Lending Compiler
PZ-1225 Account Compiler - Add fields Account_OriginalBranchName, Account_OriginalBranchRegionName, and Account_OriginalBranchRegionID
PZ-1252 Customer - Add Interaction Fields Customer_LastInteractionDateCustomer_LastCampaignContactDate
PZ-1362 Account - Add Account Features field Account_IsNewAccount
PZ-1243 Sales Demo 3.0 - Create Running Balance related Calculations
PZ-1241 Populate daily balance in Daybreak 3.0 Prod
PZ-1383 3.0 - Align Transaction Library Schema with Data Dictionary
PZ-1330 3.0 - Integrate Datamart loads into the Daybreak workflow- Implementation
ILT-695 Raise error if column doesn't exist when using sql query to download dataset
ILT-760 Update requirement files
ILT-789 Validate and update table headers in Daybreak config for Star
ILT-740 IncomeSeries Updates - January Release

Bug Fixes

Issue ID Client Request Description
AUN-14785 T20210325.0055 Copy Paste from one workflow to another causing failure when there is a blank field submission
AUN-15227 BETA DF Builder - Cannot Save Changes to Load Operation for Parameterized Datasets
AUN-15420 Formations copy-deployment and copy-aunsight not working
AUN-15489 T20211022.0678 Aunsight query tool reduces multiple spaces to a single space in the results
AUN-15499 Dashboard org-jobs-widget unable to be shown at Org level due to context mismatch
AUN-15533 Queries Submitted via AuQL set Query Text as Query ID on Job
AUN-15552 T20211115.0502 Dataset versions tool schema diff crashes when looking at first change
AUN-15572 User can't accept invitations in Sightglass Browser
AUN-15573 Shared Permission Dialogs Sometimes Don't Populate
AUN-15575 Formations: current_deployment deletion in single-file formation
AUN-15576 T20211201.0897 Missing Error Message in Daybreak UI
AUN-15631 Formation deploy with object option throws cycle/dependency error
AUN-15634 T20211217.0535 Workflow Component Erring: Workflow Parameter
AUN-8854 Graphql QueryJobs: 'stored_query' returns query text
DATAINT-108 Allow publish/preview on schema change for input or transctional workflow table with a prior published domain
DATAINT-537 Add append-only job stop/restart resiliency
DATAINT-848 T20211104.1294 Output Mapping Requiring Date Format for String Object
DATAINT-897 TXWF missing/incorrect counts update for Daybreak Tenant
DATAINT-924 Allow draft save when removing matching rule
DATAINT-932 Inconsistencies screen update for enabled unity/nucleus users
ILT-776 Fix Excluded Fields bug in Propensity Train process
ILT-778 Fix Rounding in Product Propensity
WAT-68 New user DQ emails undelivered
WAT-81 T20211122.0399 Persist Hide From Dashboards checkbox post save on Edit Quality Check
WAT-87 T20220104.0283 Tenant DQ notification emails not sent
WAT-90 T20220125.0293 Sync Client Error