
Metric structure

The metric configuration provides the info that is needed to display the metric. All metrics have a unique id, and a static type that determines how it should be displayed (for instance, as currency or a linechart).

Each type will require other attributes that describe the metric. Some of the more common ones are value and sentiment.

Attributes can either be static or be derived from a data source. This gives the creator a lot of flexibility in how an app is built.

A static attribute will have a type of static and a value that will be used where ever that field is used. Static attribute:

    "value": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "Will be the same on every page"

A dynamic attribute will have a type of field and a field that points to the attribute that should be used. Dynamic attribute:

    "value": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "dynamic_attribute_column_name"

By default, dynamic attributes come from the primary data_source. To use a field made available in a secondary data_source, add a data_source attribute. The data_source attribute can not be set on attributes from the primary data_source. Dynamic attribute from secondary data_source:

    "value": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "dynamic_attribute_column_name",
      "data_source": "country"

Some metrics call for multiple values, which can be set using a type of array and a values key that has an array of static and dynamic attributes. Array attribute:

    "value": {
      "type": "array",
      "values": [{
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Will be the same on every page"
        "type": "field",
        "field": "dynamic_attribute_column_name"

Metric Title

metric.title = {}

Each metric should have a title (with the exception of Action Metrics). This usually will be static:

    "title": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "Absolute metric"

On detail views, it can also be dynamic, and refer to a field:

    "title": {
      "type": "field",
      "value": "my_field_title"

You can also disable the title by setting the value to false:

    "title": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": false

Metric Caption

metric.caption = {}

Added in v1.6.0.

In some cases, you may wish to add additional information to a metric to provide a user with additional context about the metric. In general, this should be avoided when possible.

Before implementing a caption, take a moment to revist your graph or other type of metric and see if there is a way to simplify it or make it easier to understand.

The caption will be hidden by default, and a user will need to tap to view the caption.

The caption should be very short and succinct.:

    "caption": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "Month over month aggregate"

This is only supported on KPI display metrics, and is not supported on metrics inside another metric, such as a displayHorizStack or dataTable.


We want to quickly communicate info about metrics, and convey whether something is good or bad. This value will be reflected in the styling of the metric.

Neutral vs. none: neutral and none are conceptually different- neutral conveys that it is neither positive nor negative, while none conveys that you don’t know if it is good or bad. If other values in that column have sentiment, you likely want to choose neutral. If a metric doesn’t have a sentiment, it will display as none.

Possible values: positive, negative, neutral, none

These values are case sensitive, and should be transformed using Publisher transform lower_case.

Sentiment in non-chart metrics

Sentiment is supported by the following non-chart metrics: numberAbsolute, numberCurrency, numberRelative, textShort, textMedium, textLong.


    "sentiment": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "positive"

sentiment-positive.png sentiment-negative.png sentiment-neutral.png

Sentiment in dataTable metric

In the datatable metric, sentiment is supported for all metric types. The sentiment value must be an array of the same length as the dataTable length.


    "sentiment": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]

Sentiment in chart metrics

Added in v1.7.0.

Sentiment is supported to an intentionally limited extent in chart metrics. Since we are adding color as a dimension, we can not use it in charts that already use color as a dimension.

Chart sentiment can NOT be used in conjunction with:

  • multiple series (with the exception of the dual charts)
  • stacked charts
  • donut and half donut charts (each point is a color)

Due to these constraints, chart sentiment is supported for the following metric types: chartBar, chartColumn, chartDot, chartDualBarDot, chartDualColumnLine (column series only), chartRangeBar, chartRangeColumn, chartScatterplot.

Since sentiment is only useful by comparison, sentiment values must be an array. A single sentiment will not be applied to all points. If there are more points than sentiment values, the remaining points will be treated as having a ‘null’ sentiment, and the color will return to the default.

On dual charts, the sentiment on a series should be in comparison with the other series.


    "sentiment": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]

Null Value Indicator

metric.nullValueIndicator = {}

You can determine how a null value is represented using the nullValueIndicator option. Defaults to ‘-‘.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Medium Text with Null Value"
      "type": "textMedium",
      "value": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": null
      "nullValueIndicator": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "n/a"

Hidden Metrics

metric.hidden = {}

Added in v1.7.0.

You can hide a metric statically or dynamically using the hidden attribute. This takes a boolean value, and if this is set dynamically, all logic must be done in the data preparation step. This can not be used to check for the presence of value, and everything besides the boolean value true will evaluate to false, meaning the metric will not be hidden.

This is only available in detail_metrics on an AtomList, and on an AtomDetail view. It is not supported on metrics inside another metric, such as a displayHorizStack or dataTable.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Long Text Hidden"
      "type": "textLong",
      "hidden": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": true
      "value": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "This will only be shown if the value for hidden is false."

In Debug Mode, the metric title will appear in the view, but not the metric content. Users without Debug Mode enabled will see no part of the metric. This allows you to edit the metric (disable the hidden value first) and see where it would be positioned if visible.

Potential use cases:

  • “Comment out” metrics that are in progress or need to be temporarily hidden from users.
  • A specific metric may only be interest at the end of the month, or on a specific day of the week.
  • Show a metric only when it is needed. Perhaps 90% of the time, a metric is not interesting or useful. If that is the case, your data processing step can set a field to true to hide the metric. If a metric is only shown when useful, it will be more impactful.
  • Text Long

Text and number metric types

Absolute metrics

Standalone numbers that don’t refer to other numbers. Examples: Number of units, number of days, number of people.

Positions supported: summary, detail

Attributes: value, sentiment, nullValueIndicator


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Absolute metric"
      "type": "numberAbsolute",
      "value": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "abs"


Relative metrics

Relative metrics are useful when you want to compare a metric to something else. Examples: Cost vs baseline, Monthly number vs yearly. These will be displayed as a percent. A value of 1 will be displayed as “1%”, 100 will be displayed as “100%”

Positions supported: summary, detail

Attributes: value, sentiment, nullValueIndicator


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Relative metric"
      "type": "numberRelative",
      "value": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "abs"


Currency metrics

For use when a value represents a value in a currency. Examples: Monthly cost, price of a product.

Positions supported: summary, detail

Attributes: value,sentiment, currency (ISO 4217 code, defaults to USD), decimals (defaults to 2), nullValueIndicator


      "id": "CostPerPackage",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Cost per package"
      "type": "numberCurrency",
      "currency": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "USD"
      "decimals": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": 0
      "value": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "CostPerPackage"


Number Config options

metric.numberConfig = {}

Number metrics support additional configuration options to help make sure numeric values are easily parsable and understood for users.

Separate Thousands

metric.numberConfig.separateThousands = {}

Large numbers can be formatted with commas separating thousands using the separateThousands option. This is supported by numberAbsolute and numberRelative.


    "numberConfig": {
      "separateThousands": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": true


metric.numberConfig.decimals = {}

Control the number of decimal points in a number using the decimals option. This is supported in numberAbsolute and numberRelative.

If the number has more fraction digits than the config value, the number will be rounded. If the number has fewer fraction digits than the config value, the number will be padded with zeroes to reach that value.


    "numberConfig": {
      "decimals": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": 2


Added in v1.7.0.

metric.numberConfig.units = {}

Add a unit signifier to make it clear what a number signifies. Both singular and plural must be specified. This will not be added to non-numeric values. This is supported in numberAbsolute.


  • singular: A string attribute to be used when the value is exactly
    1. Required.
  • plural: A string attribute to be used when the value is not exactly 1. Required.
  • hideSpace: A boolean attribute. By default, the unit will be separated from the number by a space. To prevent this, set this attribute to true. Optional.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Absolute metric with units, no space"
      "type": "numberAbsolute",
      "value": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "abs"
      "numberConfig": {
        "units": {
          "singular": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": "min"
          "plural": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": "mins"
          "hideSpace": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": true

In this example, a value of 1 will be shown as 1min and a value of 2 will be shown as 2mins.


Added in v1.7.0.

metric.numberConfig.magnitude = {}

Consistency is important when communicating with numbers. One common issue is displaying numbers of different magnitude next to each other. If 30 and 2k are displayed next to each other, users who are quickly scanning may understand that 30 is larger than 2k. To handle this, Sightglass has a “magnitude” formatter to make sure numbers are consistently shown with the same magnitude. This is especially important in dataTables, but also in other places where scannable data is important.

Given a numeric magnitude, the formatter removes magnitude digits from the right of the number, rounding as needed. It then adds a SI unit to the number.

This is available in numberAbsolute and numberCurrency. It can be combined with separateThousands and units, but not with decimals.

Number Magnitude Output
1500 2 1.5k
1500 3 2k
1500 4 0.00M
5000 4 0.01M
5000000 4 5.00M

As you can see, this is not the same as significant digits or rounding. Given a magnitude, you are guaranteed a consistent SI unit and number of decimal places, although the number of digits in the integral will vary based on input.

You may also specify a magnitude of “auto”. This will round the number to the closest SI unit. This does not account for multiple values, so it should be used with caution.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Absolute metric with magnitude"
      "type": "numberAbsolute",
      "value": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "abs"
      "numberConfig": {
        "magnitude": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": 5

Short text metrics

Use for short pieces of text that provide a value for the atom. These should be less than 8 characters long.

Attributes: nullValueIndicator


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Static Text"
      "type": "textShort",
      "value": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Static"


Medium text metrics

Use for text descriptions of the atom- for instance, a location or alternative name.

Appropriate for text up to 30 characters.

Attributes: nullValueIndicator


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Static Text"
      "type": "textMedium",
      "value": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Longer text but not too long"


Long text metrics

Use for paragraph-style text info about an atom- for instance, a description of a product, or detailed instructions on usage.

Appropriate for text up to 500 characters. Supports \n for newlines.

Attributes: nullValueIndicator


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Static Text"
      "type": "textLong",
      "value": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "This is longer text"


Unordered list metric

Use to display an unordered list of strings. Takes an array of strings.


    "type": "listItemUnordered",
    "value": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "AvgSpend"

Ordered list metric

Use to display an ordered list of strings. Takes an array of strings.


    "type": "listItemOrdered",
    "value": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "AvgSpend"

List item Attributes

metric.listItemAttributes = {}

Both the ordered and unordered list metrics support the following attributes, which can be combined-


metric.listItemAttributes.actions = {}

Add links to the list items by providing actions. Supported actions are link-external, link-new-view, and link-tool.


    "listItemAttributes": {
      "actions": {
        "type": "link-external",
        "value": {
          "type": "field",
          "field": "urls"


metric.listItemAttributes.completed = {}

For list items that represent tasks, you can signify that an item is completed by providing an array of booleans for which items are completed.


    "listItemAttributes": {
      "completed": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": [true, false, false, false, true]

Data table

Show data in a table view. Each column is expected to represent the same type of data. If the data is wider than the user’s screen, they will be able to scroll horizontally to view. Given the size of people’s screens, this should not be used for more than 5 columns and 20 rows, although 3 columns and <10 rows is preferred.

This can be used with the horizontal stack to provide more options.

By default, each value represents a column, but this can be changed using the direction option.

The value object for this metric is an array of metric definitions. Each metric definition has a value that is an array of values that will be displayed using that metric definition.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Data table"
      "type": "dataTable",
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "values": [
            "id": "labels",
              "type": "field",
              "field": "SeriesNames"
            "type": "textShort"
            "id": "amounts",
              "type": "field",
              "field": "Amounts"
            "type": "numberRelative",
              "type": "field",
              "field": "AmountSent"

In this example, there will be 2 columns of data. The first is a text field that will be populated with the values from SeriesNames. The second is a relative number field that will be filled with the values from Amounts and will apply a sentiment to each.

Metric support

The data table supports textShort, numberAbsolute, numberRelative, and numberCurrency. All configuration options of those metrics are supported, with the exception of actions, title, and preferredLayout.


Added in v1.7.0.

metric.dataTableConfig.direction = {}

By default, each value in a dataTable defines the values in a column. You can instead pivot the values so that each value defines the values in a row.

If the direction is column, the number of columns in a data table can not be changed dynamically, but the number of rows can be. Each value in a column must be of the same type.

If the direction is row, the number of rows in a data table can not be changed dynamically, but the number of columns can be. Each value in a row must be of the same type.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Data table"
      "type": "dataTable",
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "values": [
          { ... },
          { ... },
          { ... }
      "dataTableConfig": {
        "direction": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": "row"

metric.dataTableConfig.header = {}

You can add a header row to a data table that is either static or dynamic. The number of objects in that array should match the number of columns in the data table.

If a row header is defined, there will be an additional column at the beginning. You can either add a header to the row header column, or set it to an empty string to leave it blank.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Data table"
      "type": "dataTable",
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "values": [
          { ... },
          { ... },
          { ... }
      "dataTableConfig": {
        "header": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": ["Names", "Percent", "Amount"]

Row Header

Added in v1.7.0.

metric.dataTableConfig.rowHeader = {}

In dataTables defined by row, you can add a header cell to each row. The number of objects in that array should match the number of rows in the data table.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Data table"
      "type": "dataTable",
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "values": [
          { ... },
          { ... },
          { ... }
      "dataTableConfig": {
        "rowHeader": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": ["Names", "Percent", "Amount"]

Additional headers

Added in v1.8.0.

With the direction set to row, you can set additional rows to be headers for the data table. This is done with a special metric type- textHeader.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Data table with multiple headers"
      "type": "dataTable",
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "values": [
          { ... },
            "id": "header2",
            "value": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": ["MTD", "YTD"]

            "type": "textHeader"
          { ... }
      "dataTableConfig": {
        "header": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": ["Names", "Percent", "Amount"]


metric.dataTableConfig.sortable = {}

You can allow users to sort datatables by a column. This is only available on dataTables defined by column, and can not be used on dataTables defined by row.

To enable or disable sort for all fields, use a boolean value.

To enable sort for only specific columns, use an array of boolean values.

There is no default sort option for data tables, as it is expected that the initial sorting will be done when preparing the data. The first time a user sorts a column, it will sort values ascending.

If both Total Row and Sortable are used on the same data table, total rows that are the first and last row will not be included in the sort, and will stay in their respective location. If total row is set on a row in the middle of a data table, that row will be sorted with the rest of the table.


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Data table"
      "type": "dataTable",
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "values": [
          { ... },
          { ... },
          { ... }
      "dataTableConfig": {
        "sortable": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": true

Total Row and Column

metric.dataTableConfig.totalRow = {} metric.dataTableConfig.totalColumn = {}

Total column added in v1.7.0.

With totalRow, you can specify that a row of data is a total row in a data table.

With totalColumn, you can specify that a column of data is a total row in a data table. This is only available in dataTables defined by row.

This emphasizes the styling in a way that helps people understand the data. It does not automatically total your data- that needs to be done as part of your data preparation.

totalRow positional string options: top|bottom|top-and-bottom totalColumn positional string options: last


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Data table"
      "type": "dataTable",
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "values": [
          { ... },
          { ... },
          { ... }
      "dataTableConfig": {
        "totalRow": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": "bottom"
        "totalColumn": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": "last"
        "direction": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": "row"

This example will emphasize the bottom row and the right-most column.

You can also use an array of booleans if you need to highlight specific rows in a data table. The following example will style the 2nd and 3rd rows as total rows.


    "dataTableConfig": {
      "totalRow": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": [false, true, true, false, false]

Striped data tables

To help users understand data tables more easily, you can add optional striping to every other row.


    "dataTableConfig": {
      "striped": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": true

Standalone action metric

You can add an action as a metric directly within detail_metrics or within a view’s metrics. This will display as a button that will perform the action when clicked.


      "id": "action-example",
      "type": "actionMetric",
      "action": {
        "type": "link-new-view",
        "view": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": "view_id"
        "title": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": "View detail"

Chart metric types

Line Chart

Display continuous data, usually time-based. Examples: Quarterly sales, monthly profits. Given the size of the display, the chart should ideally show 3-6 values.

Positions supported: detail

Attributes: values (array of numbers), labels (array of categories for X axis)

Supported Configurations: baseline, labels, series, multi-axis, axis-config, spline, chart color start, marker config symbol


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Line Chart Currency"
      "type": "chartLine",
      "values": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "AvgSpend"

line-chart.png line-chart-multi.png

Column Chart

Compare multiple similar values. Examples: Employee performance vs baseline, Product A vs Product B Sales. Given the size of the display, the chart should ideally show 3-6 values.

Positions supported: detail

Attributes: values (array of numbers), labels (array of categories for X axis)

Supported Configurations: baseline, labels, series, stacked, multi-axis, axis-config, chart color cycle, chart color start


    "id": "AvgSpend",
    "title": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "Column Chart"
    "type": "chartColumn",
    "values": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "AvgSpend"

column-chart.png column-chart-multi.png

Column Range Chart

Compare multiple similar value ranges. Each range consists of a lower y value and a higher y value along an x axis.

Positions supported: detail

Attributes: values (array of arrays containing two numbers that indicate the range), labels (array of categories for X axis)

Supported Configurations: baseline, labels, series, stacked, multi-axis, axis-config, chart color cycle, chart color start


    "id": "TemperatureRange",
    "title": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "Range Column Chart"
    "type": "chartRangeColumn",
    "values": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "TemperatureRange"

column-range-chart.png column-range-multi.png

Bar Chart

Compare multiple similar values. Examples: Employee performance vs baseline, Product A vs Product B Sales. Given the size of the display, the chart should ideally show 3-6 values.

Positions supported: detail

Attributes: values (array of numbers), labels (array of categories for X axis)

Supported Configurations: baseline, labels, series, stacked, multi-axis, axis-config, chart color cycle, chart color start


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Bar Chart"
      "type": "chartBar",
      "values": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "AvgSpend"

bar-chart.png bar-chart-multi.png

Bar Range Chart

Compare multiple similar value ranges. Each range consists of a lower y value and a higher y value along an x axis.

Positions supported: detail

Attributes: values (array of arrays containing two numbers that indicate the range), labels (array of categories for X axis)

Supported Configurations: baseline, labels, series, stacked, multi-axis, axis-config, chart color cycle, chart color start


    "id": "TemperatureRange",
    "title": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "Range Bar Chart"
    "type": "chartRangeBar",
    "values": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "TemperatureRange"

bar-range-chart.png bar-range-chart-multi.png

Dot Chart

Compare multiple similar values. Examples: Employee performance vs baseline, Product A vs Product B Sales. Given the size of the display, the chart should ideally show 3-6 values.

Positions supported: detail

Attributes: values (array of numbers), labels (array of categories for X axis)

Supported Configurations: labels, multi-axis, axis-config, chart color start, marker config


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Dot Chart"
      "type": "chartDot",
      "values": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "AvgSpend"

Donut Chart

Compare relative portions of a metric. Examples: Referral vs Organic contributions, Profit per product. Given the size of the display, the chart should ideally show 3-6 values.

This chart type does not support multiple series.

Positions supported: detail

Supported Configurations: labels, axis-config, chart color start


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Donut chart"
      "type": "chartDonut",
      "values": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "AvgSpend"


Half Donut Chart

Compare relative portions of a metric. Examples: Referral vs Organic contributions, Profit per product. Given the size of the display, the chart should ideally show 3-6 values.

This chart type does not support multiple series.

Positions supported: detail

Supported Configurations: labels, axis-config, chart color start


      "id": "AvgSpend",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Donut chart"
      "type": "chartHalfDonut",
      "values": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "AvgSpend"


Since: 1.3.0

Display the relationship between data variables, with a variable on each axis. Examples: Quarterly sales vs. quarterly profits.

Positions supported: detail

Attributes: values (array of arrays that each consist of two numbers: an x value and a y value)

Supported Configurations: axis-config, series, multi-axis, chart color start


      "id": "salesData",
      "title": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Sales vs. Profits Scatterplot"
      "type": "chartScatterplot",
      "values": {
        "type": "field",
        "field": "salesData"

scatterplot.png scatterplot-multi.png

Dual column and line chart

This is a special type of multiseries chart that displays columns and lines on the same chart.

The dualChart object is required, and the value of columnSeries and lineSeries defines the display of each series as an array of integers. The values are the indices of series as defined in the values array, and is zero-based. If a series index is not listed, it will default to column.

Supported Configurations: labels, series, stacked, axis-config, multi-axis, chart color start


    "type": "chartDualColumnLine",
    "values": [ ... ],
    "dualChart": {
      "columnSeries":  {
        "type": "static",
        "value": [0,3]
      "lineSeries":  {
        "type": "static",
        "value": [1,2]


Dual bar and dot chart

This is a special type of multiseries chart that displays bars and dots on the same chart.

The dualChart object is required, and the value of barSeries and dotSeries defines the display of each series as an array of integers. The values are the indices of series as defined in the values array, and is zero-based. If a series index is not listed, it will default to bar.

Supported Configurations: labels, series, axis-config, multi-axis, chart color start


    "type": "chartDualBarDot",
    "values": [ ... ],
    "dualChart": {
      "barSeries":  {
        "type": "static",
        "value": [0,3]
      "dotSeries":  {
        "type": "static",
        "value": [1,2]

Multiseries charts

Most charts support multiple series. This requires values.type to be an array, and values.values to be an array of attributes. (See Metric Structure.)

Series names are given using the Series chart configuration options and can be static or field based.

In graphs that have series overlaps, such as the dual column line chart, series are rendered from back to front in the order they appear in the array.


    "values": {
      "type": "array",
      "values": [
          "type": "field",
          "field": "PhysSpendQuarter"
          "type": "field",
          "field": "OverallPatSpend"

Chart configuration

These items allow you to further configure charts.


This method of labels is deprecated as of version 1.4.0. Please see labels instead.

metric.labels = {}

Communicate what a datapoint on a chart is meant to convey. This should have the same number of values as the number of values in the series.


    "labels": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": [
        "2016 Q3",
        "2016 Q4",
        "2017 Q1",
        "2017 Q2",
        "2017 Q3"


metric.series = {}

When using a chart with multiple series, this provides the names for each series as they should be conveyed. This should have the same number of values as the number of series.


    "series": {
    "type": "static",
    "value": [
        "Series 1",
        "Series 2"


metric.stacked = {}

You can stack values in a chart with multiple series by providing a “stacked” attribute.

Supported in column chart and bar chart.


    "stacked": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": true


metric.overlapping = {}

You can overlap values in a chart with multiple series by providing an “overlapping” attribute.

Supported in column charts, bar charts, range column charts, range bar charts, dual bar dot charts, and dual column line charts


    "overlapping": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": true

Error bars

metric.error_bars = {}

Error bars can be added to a chart to indicate the margin of error, or uncertainty, in the graph’s data points. The value will be an array of arrays that contain the lower and upper bounds of each point’s margin of error.

Supported in column charts, bar charts, line charts, dual column line charts, range column charts, range bar charts, and dual bar dot charts


    "error_bars": {
      "type": "field",
      "field": "AvgSpendError "
    "error_bars": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": [[2,4], [3,5]]


This method of baseline is deprecated as of version 1.3.0. Please see baseline instead.

Adds a baseline on the relevant axis for the chart type. Use this to put a specific datapoint into a larger context.


    "baseline": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": 3

Axis Config

This method of axisConfig is deprecated as of version 1.3.0. Please see axis-config instead.

To specify the range of the y-axis for a graph, use the axisConfig option. If no value or null is set, the graph will automatically determine the min and max.

A common use for this will be ensuring that the graph axis starts at 0.

To ensure that an axis includes a 0 tick, add a showZero attribute to the axis and set the value to true. If a showZero attribute is not included or if the value is set to false, the graph will automatically determine whether or not a 0 tick should be shown.


    "axisConfig": {
      "primary": {
        "min": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": 0
        "max": {
          "type": "field",
          "field": "max"
        "showZero": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": true
      "secondary": {
        "max": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": 200


This method of axisConfig is deprecated as of version 1.3.0. Please see Multi-axis instead.

In order to show 2 different units in a chart, use multiple axes.

This is not compatible with baseline, and if both are present in the config, baseline will not show.

This is defined with 3 attributes-

  • primary and secondary hold the title that should be used for each axis. Their position will depend on the chart type.
  • secondary_series defines which series will use the secondary axis. It is an array of integers, which are the indices of series as defined in the values array, and is zero-based.

Supported in column, bar, and line charts with multi-series.


    "axis": {
      "primary": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Primary"
      "secondary": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Secondary"
      "secondary_series": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": [1]


metric.spline = {}

To convey that a dataset is continuous, and not just discrete datapoints, you may want to smooth the connections in a line chart.

This can be overridden using seriesConfig. The default value is false.


    "spline": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": true

Chart color

metric.chartColor = {}

Your charts may be shown with a variety of themes depending on device type, organization, and user settings. However, you may want to use colors to convey that datapoints are either separate within a chart or connected across charts.


metric.chartColor.cycle = {}

The default behavior for single series charts is that all data points within a series are the same color. To make each data point a different color, use the chartColor.cycle option to true. Example:

    "chartColor": {
      "cycle": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": true

Start Color

metric.chartColor.start = {}

Each chart theme has a palette of possible colors. By default, this always starts with the first one, and iterates through the colors if needed by the chart. To use a different color, use the chartColor.start option.

This takes an integer value that will be used to offset the array of colors.

The palette may be different for different users based on device or settings. The palette will be consistent for a user between charts, so setting start to 2 on two separate charts would mean they both start with green, given the above palette. However, since the palettes may be different for different users, this should not be used to convey meaning- a red bar chart for one user may be green for a different user.

Each palette will have at least 5 colors.


    "chartColor": {
      "start": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": 2

start and cycle may also be combined.

Axis Configurations

metric.axisConfig = {}

The axisConfig option allows you to further configure the x and y axes, including the primary and secondary axes on a multi axis chart.

Common uses for this will be specifying the range of an axis, setting axis titles, and adding a baseline to a graph.

See below for the the options supported. The options of axisConfig are yAxis and xAxis. The available options of each axis are primary, secondary, and secondary_series, with each of these able to contain the remaining options.


    "axisConfig": {
      "yAxis": {
        "primary": {
          "min": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": 0
          "max": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": 10000
          "showZero": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": true
          "title": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": "Y Title"
          "baseline": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": 8000
      "xAxis": {
        "primary": {
          "title": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": "X title"


metric.axisConfig.<yAxis|xAxis>.<primary|secondary|secondary_series>= {}

In order to show 2 different units in a chart, use multiple axes. This is compatible with both the x axis and y axis.

This is not compatible with including a baseline, and if both are present in the config, baseline will not show.

This is defined with 2 additional attributes, compared to a single axis chart-

  • secondary holds the options for the secondary axis. Its position will depend on the chart type. This option is used within the xAxis or yAxis option.
  • secondary_series defines which series will use the secondary axis. It is an array of integers, which are the indices of series as defined in the values array, and is zero-based. This option is used within only the axisConfig option.

Supported in column, bar, scatterplot, and line charts with multi-series.


    "axisConfig": {
      "yAxis": {
        "primary": {
          "min": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": 0
          "max": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": 60000
          "title": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": "Primary Y Axis"
        "secondary": {
          "min": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": 100
          "title": {
            "type": "static",
            "value": "Secondary Y Axis"
        "secondary_series": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": [1]


metric.axisConfig.<yAxis|xAxis>.<primary|secondary>.title = {}

Used to specify the title of an axis on the graph.


    "title": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": "Primary Y Axis"


metric.axisConfig.xAxis.<primary|secondary>.labels = {}

Communicate what a datapoint on a chart is meant to convey. This should have the same number of values as the number of values in the series.


    "labels": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": [
        "2016 Q3",
        "2016 Q4",
        "2017 Q1",
        "2017 Q2",
        "2017 Q3"


metric.axisConfig.xAxis.<primary|secondary>.showAllLabels = {}

Ensure that all xAxis categories are shown.


    "showAllLabels": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": true

Min and Max

metric.axisConfig.<yAxis|xAxis>.<primary|secondary>.<min|max> = {}

To specify the range of the y-axis for a graph, use the min and max options. If no value or null is set, the graph will automatically determine the min and max.

A common use for this will be ensuring that the graph axis starts at 0.


    "min": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": 0
    "max": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": 60000


metric.axisConfig.<yAxis|xAxis>.primary.baseline = {}

Adds a baseline on the relevant axis for the chart type. Use this to put a specific datapoint into a larger context.

A baseline can only be used on a single axis chart, and may only be added to the x axis on a scatterplot.


    "baseline": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": 3


metric.axisConfig.<yAxis|xAxis>.<primary|secondary>.showZero = {}

To ensure that an axis includes a 0 tick, add a showZero attribute to the axis and set the value to true. If a showZero attribute is not included or if the value is set to false, the graph will automatically determine whether or not a 0 tick should be shown.


    "showZero": {
      "type": "static",
      "value": true

Chart Point Configuration

metric.<valueConfig|xValueConfig> = {}

You may want to provide additional info on points in a chart- for instance, the type of number they are, how many decimals to use, etc. These are provided via a valueConfig attribute, or an xValueConfig attribute if being used for the x points on a chart (particularly on a scatterplot).



    "valueConfig": {
      "type": "integer"

Example for x axis:

    "xValueConfig": {
      "type": "integer"



    "valueConfig": {
      "type": "double",
      "decimals": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": 1


Show that points on the chart are relative, and values should be shown as a percentage.


    "valueConfig": {
      "type": "relative"


If the number of decimals is not specified, it will default to 2.


    "valueConfig": {
      "type": "currency",
      "currency": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "USD"
      "decimals": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": 0


Note that plurals are not able to be handled at this time. The same unit string will be displayed whether it is 1 item or multiple items.


    "valueConfig": {
      "type": "integer",
      "units": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "Widget(s)"

Marker Config

To control how the point markers are displayed, use markerConfig.

By default, the markers are hidden if it’s too crowded, based on the metric width and the number of points. If markers are shown, it automatically cycles through a variety of shapes to help users differentiate between series.


metric.markerConfig.symbol = {}

For line and dot charts, you may set a symbol that will be used for the marker points.

Valid values: none, square, circle, diamond


    "markerConfig": {
      "symbol": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "none"


metric.markerConfig.filled = {}

By default, point markers have a white center in dot charts. To fill them, set the filled attribute to true.


    "markerConfig": {
      "filled": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": true

Series Config

metric.seriesConfig = {}

You may wish to have different options for different series. In that case, provide a seriesConfig object that overrides the default values.

This is available for marker config, spline and valueConfig.

This example will turn off spline for the series at index 1, assuming spline is set to true for the metric:

    "seriesConfig": {
      "1": {
        "spline": {
          "type": "static",
          "value": false

Note that the index must be passed as a string, as integer keys are not supported by JSON.