Understanding Aunsight Resources

Resources are an Aunsight object that describes physical or virtualized compute and storage capabilities in the Aunsight platform. Aunsight resources allow users to specify a record object whose metadata can guide the Aunsight services on how to write data to or run compute tasks against actual hosts. Because Aunsight users do not need to understand the actual hardware or software infrastructure behind these "resources," users can focus on what they do best and leave the infrastructure to Aunalytics. The resources workspace in the Web interface provides a place to view details about resources in an Aunsight context. This article will show users how to view and interpret the resource records to understand how to use them to provide compute and storage power to their Aunsight solutions.

The Resources Workspace

The Aunsight web interface provides a resource workspace to users who have the AU-RESOURCE:view-resource permission available to them through a role or group they have in a given context.

To access this workspace, log in to the web interface and select the context you wish to work in through the context selector. From that context's dashboard, click the "Resource" icon (resource icon) in the palette on the right.

Resources Workspace

The resource workspace is a standard list-based view of resources available in the present context. You can search (search icon) or sort (sort icon) the list to find a resource by clicking the appropriate icon at the top of the list.

Viewing Resource Details

Clicking on a resource will bring up that resources's record in the main view. The type of details provided in these records depends greatly on the type of resource it describes. Resources can belong to one of many different types that can be divided into two types: compute and storage:

  • Compute resource types:
    • user-task-executor - Runs user task containers (e.g. processes)
    • system-task-executor - Runs system task containers
    • query-executor - Runs query jobs
    • dataflow-executor - Runs dataflow jobs
    • dslab-executor - Runs Data Lab notebook containers
  • Storage resource types:
    • internal-storage - Stores Aunsight metadata
    • storage - Storage for larger Aunsight objects (e.g. machine learning models)
    • dataset-storage - Storage for datasets

Most of the other details in these records are of little interest to general users, but many may be useful for those working closely with the SDKs.